Day 17 of Proton...complete! Nicole came back and watched him sedated in the gantry today. It's a bizarre process to watch. We hung out with Kim and her Mom in the lobby and spent a little time talking. She and I had lunch and then she left to go home. I spent the day with my boy and it's my Birthday today .... I can only thank God today that I am able to spend today with my precious Nicholas.

After lunch Brandi and her girls stopped by. Megan has an MRI tomorrow so we are going to sit with her during it. In the photo to the left is a pic of Megan, Baby Nicholas and I. Before Nicole came I planned to have dinner at my place with Kim and her Mom so they could all catch up, but I didn't cancel and still had them come over for dinner. Christian and Baby Nicholas played and we had a great time.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for today - everyday is a blessing ... but I want to thank you for allowing me to spend my day with my boy .... I miss my family but in a few weeks we will be back together again.