Dexter Lawrence Authentic Jersey  Aug 25,2012

First  things first … MRI was at 7:30am and table time 8:15am …. He just woke up from reecovery and our AMAZING Doctor, Dr. Wright did his LP so she was able to take time to look at his scans –  NED means no evidence of disease … CLEAR …. We feel so blessed to be able to fly home tonight …. So another 3 months of life …. Living and Praying that each scan continues to remain cancer free.

I will give a full update later about the whole trip – but in the meantime please pray for a new little one Willa Rose – its her first day here and the same diagnoses as our Nickybear.  Please also pray for our friends scan little David. P. and Aaron Bell …. GOD BLESS YOU ALL --- we are so grateful for the army of prayer warriors out there loving our boy!

Dear Lord,

Humbled by you in so many ways …. Thank you for this GIFT …. Thank you for today!


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