We had labs today, no more GSF shots YAH!!! His ANC count was at 5,500 his hemoglobin and his platelets both went up too which is awesome that happened so quickly. He was suppose to have a full week before another round of chemo, round 2 would be administered but because his counts are so good they want to start round 2 early. The quicker we can get to Jacksonville, the better for us. So, we will know Wednesday went we go inpatient again to start day 1. His hair was shedding everywhere today so Nick held him while I shaved it. I had a good cry afterwards. It’s not that it won’t grow back – it’s the reality of watching my son now look like a cancer patient that broke my heart today.

To Baby Nicholas,
Today was a tough one for mommy, though you are doing great – seeing your perfect baby hair gone made me so sad. God has us on this process for HIS reasons and we place all our faith in him that you are healing and we are just taking the extra steps to make sure you never get sick again. You are beautiful hair or not --- I love you more than I could ever tell you, you and your brother are the greatest gifts I have ever been given. I just want to love and protect you both always.

Dear Lord,
Protect our child please, shield him from cancer and from anything ever harming him again. We believe in your word, we have total faith in you that you CAN and WILL heal with completely. Lord, please place your hand on his vocal cords, strengthen them and heal them so that he can swallow properly again. Everything is in your perfect timing and we give you all the glory for how far you have taken us. Thank you Jesus for our miracle boy – that you allowed us the chance to fight for him and give you all the glory along the way….. remaining completely and totally at your service my Lord.