The dust is settling from the MRI ... what a week ... Nick and I talked about it as we do often ... its like walking into a land mind and not knowing the outcome but seeing it all around us at St Jude. It's a tough place to enter knowing that everything can change in a moment... we want to take a moment to thank so many of you that personally have allowed our son to become part of your life ... part of your heart ... part of who you are today ... he has changed everything about how we see the world now, our hope is that he changes how you see it too.  I often hear non-believers angry with God ... that He did this .. but we have always felt differently about it.  He didn't do this ... however He did allow it. For His purpose ... His will ... and so it isn't easy to accept that but it is neccessary to through faith. This whole process has been humbling ... I can't imagine not going through it, but I know that everything has a reason. This photo below is from recovery from his MRI ....

Our Doctor, Dr. Wright is just amazing ... but she is the easiest person to read. See I have seen her face in the moments before someone is delivered the worst news possible and she is such a great woman that she can't hide those markers I have seen in a certian walk and expression and its almost hard to look at her because I know without a doubt we could read her - no words would need to be spoken.  She isn't the type of doctor that sees our children as a case but as a spirit that the family can not bare to hear anything negative about. She is compassionate and kind and soft spoken, but she is also direct and honest. She carries all the character you would hope a doctor would under these intense circumstances. We truly respect her and feel so blessed she is our primary at St Jude. We started with Dr. Gaijar and are thankful he gave us to her.... she is no doubt one of the best parts of St Jude for us.

So let me explain that when you see the sign MRI Suite and you walk away ... and see Dr. Wright rushing down a hall with crossed arms she is on a mission ... she was going to do Nicholas' LP (lumbar puncture) and while they were setting up a puppet play in the MRI waiting area for kids the anxiety was at its max waiting for her to come out because we know her well enough that she was coming out with answers. She immediately said everything looks great. A long breathe .... wow .... ok .... regroup .... (remember evey 12 weeks we fly back and sit through this intense wait that could change our lives) she showed us the scans and she explained it all. She said that everything looked great ... what a relief .... !!! She called later that night. of course when you see that number light up on your phone, your heart sinks again ... Hi it's Dr. Wright ... just letting you know Nicholas' LP  was negative for cancer cells .... have a safe trip home .... could this trip be any better ... she's so great ... never making us wait.

I want to share with you a few things that happened in my 2 short days at Jude .... before I got there I had contacted 2 families, one was Kylie's family and I followed this little girl through her surgery to coming to St Jude. and the other was a little girl named Reese. While sitting and waiting to be called back for our ABR (hearing test) we sat in eclinic and from a distance I heard a Momma say hey Re ... are you ok .... I turned around and thought... WOW ... REESE COFFIN ... I have been praying for her ... shes in front of me ... then 2 seconds later I heard her Mom say, Im eating your chicken ... hey Ky tell your Momma... I thought could it be Kylie Overton .... YES ... then in that very moment they called Nicholas for his ABR ..... by the time he was sedated I was so sad coming back to an emtpy waiting room. Later that night Nick asked me to go get water from the vending machine ... I went down and there was Reese's Momma .... I walked up to her and said I emailed you a few days ago ... I have been praying for your daughter... I am shocked I was here in front of you ... we exchanged info and I told her I wanted to meet Kylie ... so our MRI was over and Kylie was suppose to go inpatient and there were no rooms ... I missed her leaving Jude and kept thinking man that was the only person Lord I really wanted to meet this trip.  About 3 hours later alarms and sirens were going off and there was a massive tornado warning in effect - they took all the patience in even ICU in the halls and took us all to the basement... and there in the midst of it all was little Miss Sassy - Miss Kylie ... I told her Momma God has a sense of humor it took a tornado for us to meet ... but I didn't leave without getting a chance to meet your daughter.

As we left Memphis I saw a sign in front of a beat up ice cream shop, it said ... RELAX .... GOD'S IN CONTROL .... I laughed because its so true --- but in those moments of waiting fear grips you .... its overwhelming .... I had to share this because we weren't suppose to stay at Target House - we were suppose to be at Grizzle and they had no room and so we were sent there ... God is surely in control....

I need an extra special prayer tonight for Euji and his family that God directs them with Strength and Wisdom with the choices ahead..... God heal him.