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Baby Nicholas has been much better in the last few days.  His counts on Thursday ANC 910, platelets 150 and Hgb (red blood) 10.4 so tonight is his last dose of cycle 5 chemo.  I have such a sense of relief when I get to throw away bio hazard bags that once held chemo. He will have a week off of chemo for counts to recover and then we enter into our last cycle of chemo. I can't believe how quickly the last 5 months have gone by ..... this time of year gives me anxiety ..... I lost my most wonderful grandmother 2 years ago today and I miss her so very much. She and I shared a beautiful relationship and I will cherish my memories of her always.

It been an interesting week. Some of you may have seen the video I created below. Mr. John Rich contacted ALSAC, which is St Judes fund raising department and asked if he could legally use my video. How crazy is that, but what a blessing !!!! So he had to remove it from his site until all the parents give approval for him and St Jude to use it. Crazy I can see I was just a vehicle in Gods plan for it to get into the hands of someone that will reach far more people than I ever could.

So we were blessed today "AGAIN" by someone who has really followed us through our journey .... who has gone so out of her way so many times .... thank you so much Kim for sending these adorable baskets for the boys. Christian used his for the egg hunt at church and God willing, next year Nicholas will use his too!  They  were thoughtful and precious.... thank you for your friendship and for caring so very much. Even your kindness has changed me ... I just wanted to thank you again.... it has meant so much.  It puts so many things in perspective. Thank you.

This was Baby Nicholas Easter Sunday outside, for a moment my heart was happy taking him outside and then I realized it was so bright he needed a hat. I went in and grabbed a hat, the hate made me stop and fall to the ground .... it was a gift given to us from the Bailey Family (Rykens Family) I couldn't stopt thinking about all my friends that lost their children.  Another holiday for families I love  to "GET THROUGH", its wrong .. and we need cures... it was hard to be happy when I realized this.

My week got worse, the following day a precious 2 yrs old in Miami that was on my protocol is on hospice and I found myself begging God to help ..... not even 24 hours later .... a mother from my group emailed me on Easter and I told her to call me ... she's ready to give up and today her meeting with Neuro - Oncology left her posting only that they are too going on hospice .... this is a child under 5 mind is spinning and God is protecting me from getting upset over Nicholas .... but I am in prayer and I ask you to be in prayer for John and Euji ..... I don't understand how many babies I have watched fallinto the grips of cancer and MOST do not win .... the statistics are just not accurate ... too many children are dying and so many people will read this and say I will help ... leave the page open and do NOTHING .... maybe the next time I post we lost anyone precious baby you might, just maybe donate. This is not intended for the ones that do, but people I love haven't taken two minutes to undestand this .... Its upsetting .... I just want these chidlren to have a chance and I will advocate for the rest of my life .... please people the word HOSPICE and babies it so wrong ....


Grant my friends the wisdom to make choices no parent should make .... please father have mercy and if you will provide miracles .... we know you are ABLE.... please Father .... please watch over these families.

Ok so I wanted to clarify the post on facebook last night. I was drained and really upset. Baby Nicholas has been a little fussier in the last 3 days and he's been chewing on his hands, which makes me think he made have a few new teeth coming in though most are in. However his appetite hasn't been great probably due to chemo catching up with him. Last night he was super tired and we gave him his chemo ( he is normal asleep when he gets it) about 5 to 10 minutes after that he was screaming and inconsolable arching his back.  It's frustrating because he can't tell us whats wrong and so it put me in tears and Nick and I were both stressed out from it. He finally fell asleep and slept fine and woke up feeling fine ... so .... please pray that was a fluke ... and that it does not happen again.

God Bless you all .... thank you for being such great friends and caring so much .... please also post this link on your facebook accounts ....

May is coming up and its Brain Tumor Awareness Moth and we need people to see this video to understand the impact of the families that Brain Cancer affects ... Please cut, paste, post!

I need to take a moment to update you on children and families that I have asked you to pray about. I woke this morning to a message from the Thayer Family.

::::FROM THE THAYERS Jalen Thayer, our first born son, has met his sister in heaven. They embraced in a hug which is still going on right now and forever at 7:22pm.

I can't help but close my eyes, cry and envision this embrace between the two children, though with pain of knowing that cancer has taken a second child from this family just is disgusting to me. Please pray for this family, they will need it in the days to come.Here is his site Jalen Thayer

I know I repeatedly sound like a broken record filled with sad news, but its so extremely important to help when you can - do whatever you can ... make an effort to change the face of cancer for children, PLEASE!

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."--2 Corinthians 9:7  -click here to donate-

I am thankful to God to report that Kelly C. (aka KK) , Colin T. , Avery C. , Seth B. , Angel M.,  Isaiah P. , Tyler B. (all on our protocol friends we follow)  all had clear scans - thank you Jesus for these blessings. Our friend Megan P. that is scanning next week and our friend Mia R. scanning today please pray for great results.

We left off with Friday labs and infusion at Rose Cancer Center. His ANC 2100 Hgb (red Blood) 11.2 and platelets 192 and the infusion went smoothly. We started cycle 5 on Saturday, April 2, 2011 and what a difference between the two chemos. This is his finally cycle of these two drugs.  His personality is crazy, he's happier and sillier and more playful and just overall is doing great. His hair is completely in and if you were to see him you could not tell at all what he has endured and still must endure.He runs like a crazy child through the house and babbles in foreign language lol. He's amazing! I thank God everyday for him and I pray over him daily begging God to keep him cancer free.He had labs today, and he is already dropping ANC 1300, Hgb (red blood) 10.8 and platelets 179.

As you know we have big dates approaching and we ask for you to please pray with us for clean, clear, NED (no evidence of disease) on this upcoming scan. We pray this with our whole hearts and ask you kindly to do so as well. Pray for Cures, this is the prayer that matters so very much. Our Scan is May 25, 2011.

I will leave you with this, it was from a service this past week at church ... my Pastor, Pastor Jaime Kjos said that in an interview Lance Armstrong was asked why he advocates so hard in raising money for cancer research. His answer was, "It is the obligation of the CURED." I cried when I heard those words .... I pray that my son will CURED so that our lives mission is the obligation to help the children affected by these catastrophic diseases. 

Dear Lord,

I pray that you allow Baby Nicholas to remain CURED! We know that all things are in your hands .... We pray for all the children's families mourning the losses of their children, but we mindfully pray you will exceed our expectations and gift talented researchers with CURES.... every day is a gift - EVERY SINGLE DAY - I get to cuddle and wake up to play with this little boy .... thank you God for our son Christian and his health, please protect our family Lord and NEVER allow cancer to hurt us again. This is my daily prayer .....Thank you Lord for the endless people who care and read our updates that tirelessly pray for all the children, the ones whom have donated ( some repeatedly) Thank you for new friendships to share this heavy journey .... thank you God for today.

We want to let you know that Megan P., Luca P. , Ashlan B. (all SJYC07 protocol kids) Maggie C and Mia R..from our St Jude friends all had great scans this week! Praise be all the GLORY to GOD. Please take a moment to watch the video above and John Rich will be performing this song at St Jude in Memphis on Celebrity Apprentice. You can download this song for $1.29 at ITUNES and all proceeds go to St. Jude so please purchase it. You can purchase the song by clicking PURCHASE NOW. I will also be leaving a link on the right side of our site for you to purchase it.  Also Baby Nicholas is in it and so is Nick wearing the hat covering his face.  This video is also now on Http:// God Bless you John Rich for putting my video up of our babies!

This week Baby Nicholas wanted to go outside and boy he LOVES it.  It was nice enough and so his Daddy took him out. He loved the wind blowing in his face and it was like someone was stabbing him trying to get him to come in.  He is soooo spoiled but we wouldn't have it any other way. Yesterdays labs his ANC is 1112 and his platelets 175 and hgb (red Blood) 10.4 all dropped but not terribly. He has one more full week on this chemo and then a full week off.  I was really bummed when I bought him an outfit for Easter not realizing it was his last week of this chemo that drops his counts and not realizing that it may not be safe to take him to Easter Sunday at church.  This past month our church now offers LIVESTREAMING video online and on IPhones ... its amazing --- I don't have to miss church ... was a blessing. So let me invite you to church this week .... here in the link -BRIGHTMOOR LIVE- the services are at 9:30am and 11:15am. 

Overall, I am so greatful for all the great scans at Jude.  In the ependyparents group I run we've had a bad month. at least 6-8 children have all relapsed.  I won't name them all because some families are not Christians, but that doesn't mean we can't pray for the kids right? So please pray with me for the families facing some hard choices with limited treatment options. 

It was my husbands birthday yesterday and we celebrated it at home quitely. Happy Birthday to the Greatest Husband in the world .... (and he's the best cook too lol) We love  you Baby!!! Please continue to pray for our scans they are now 6 weeks away .... we what to thank everyone who takes the time to know how we are, the follows our updates and that really truly cares ... we know who you are ...


Our NickyBear! How we love you so very very much our little man. Even your big Brother just loves to play and hang with you. We are so blessed for how well he has been doing through this cycle of chemo, We finish our cycle 4 tomorrow morning and start cycle 5 Saturday night. I can't believe how quickly this part of treatment has gone.  He has been in such a great mood and he is such a great baby! His ANC is 2200 and his hbg (red Blood) 11.8 and platelets 175. Our biggest problem is how much we spoil him. We just can't help it! So he sure throws a fit when he isn't getting exactly what he wants.

Since his counts were up this week, we were able to attend church at Brightmoor.  It was about the power of an invite and our pastor asked if he could use our story in his service.  Our son Christian went to school with 2 amazing little boys and they became best friends. Through them I met their mother Cheryl Helm. Cheryl had Christian for a sleepover and asked if she could take him to church, I ended up coming with her that day. Little did I know that that invite would eventually lead to me inviting my brother and Nick.  We all were getting our priorities straight and letting God heal us. Then my Dad started attending Brightmoor also. Soon others came and my little brother met his now wife there also .... all from one invite. Sadly, Cherly had became very sick in 2007 with cancer and she was one of the best moms I have ever known. She was hands on and her sons were her whole world. When she became sick I promised to pick her boys up for swim lessons or soccer.  I knew she was really ill when she bought me car seats, if you knew her you knew she never wanted anyone to drive her children but her. My heart broke, I remember I started video taping everything the boys did so that when they went home I would leave a dvd for Cheryl for her to watch them and see them since she was too weak to come. I knew how much that hurt her missing out on those moments so I tried to bring them to her. For as long as I live, I will never forget bringing the boys home one day from a play date to her.  She was weak and so very fragile and she walked out to her garage to let me bring the boys in. Bryce was asleep in my arms when I carried him into her house and she stopped me and said, "I don't know what I am going to do if something happens to me.... My mom is too weak, she's older now and my sister is just getting married and couldn't handle it .... I wouldn't let her she said. She looked at me as if I should have an answer to her so deseperate question that her heart planted in mine. A phone rang and stopped us from talking but I vividly remember this day and can replay it as if she was asking me to help her. 

She flew to New York where they successfully removed the cancer from her liver, however during healing she caught a blood virus that took her life within 24 hours. I remember attending her funeral - devastated, wondering why God took her when these 2 precious little boys needed their Momma. I don't know why, but her work here was complete.  After she passed, I wrote her mother and told her about this conversation and unaware of Gods plans for my life .... I did not know the future held having a baby that would soon be diagnosed with cancer, I told Cheryls Mom in a letter, I just was there to help or be extra hands or take them as much as she needed, I told her I didn't know what the future held but my heart loved the boys and I would be there if she would let me be. She never took my offer and a year later I was pregnant with Baby Nicholas.Crazy enough Tuesday we had a knock at the door ----- it was our (other) boys ..... Cheryls boys .... it was timing by Gods hands .... boy how they have grown ... they all look like brothers .... when I took them anywhere people always thought they were brothers ... 8,9,10 all a year apart.

This is a pic of yesterday .... and the one below is from 2007 at soccer when the boys were my buddies, boy I love them  .... how we all miss them and Cheryl so much....she made me a better mother and I will always be grateful for my friendship with her.

We never fully grasp who we touch in our lives and how that effect can snowball out into peoples lives you will never even meet. I am reminded daily how people I have never met effect me, how they grip my heart and I close my eyes and pray for them or for their family ... most of those people are little tiny faces, with soft voices and precious spirits, multiple website updates that I wait to hear good news from........

We have his monthly infusion at Rose Cancer Center tomorrow and labs. He is our Tough Guy, but mostly he's just my precious lilttle boy that I adore and would do ANYTHING for. How I wish I could take the bullet for every needle poke, MRI, surgery,test and every drug that he must take. I would do it all for you if I could my precious boy.

This update was paused from this morning and today I now have to go back to the same hospital and cancer center attached to what housed in the last 3 days a story that weighs heavy on my heart tonight ...... those of you that read updates know there is a family from Detroit that is at St Jude (Luca P. under our protocol friends) , we met while we were there last check-up  ..... today this is what they posted on their update ... mind you I met both the writer whom gave birth to a new baby last week and her sister and brother-in-law ready for their new child ....please pray for this family.


It is with a heavy, bleeding heart that I post that Baby Andrea Luca Loria has passed away. He is an Angel for his parents, my sister Rosalee and brother-in-law Angelo. He will also be looking after his Big Cousin Luca.

He was loved from inception. Rosalee and Angelo were able to love and hold him, even if it was for a short time. He will never be forgotten. Andrea will be the “Little Engine That Could” for his parents. Even in difficult times, he will remind them to “never give up”.

May God be merciful on Rosalee and Angelo and grant them many healthy children that their Big Brother Andrea will look after. Please pray that they feel they are not alone in this. Let them feel they are loved and may their hearts heal.

Andrea is Paul and my special Godchild that will bring countless blessings for our whole family.

If you’d like to send a note to Rosalee and Angelo, their address is:
54697 Four Seasons Drive
Shelby Township, MI 48316

God Bless,



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