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Approaching this moment where time completely stopped a year ago - I know I would not sleep tonight - I will surely stay up and mourn, for this night was the night that my phone tucked under my pillow for a week would ring.

We had just settled into Jacksonville for Proton radiation and everything felt wrong because my dearest friend, my sister through cancer boot camp was not there before me as planned. I remember for two weeks leading up to this night the I tucked to phone under my pillow in fear I would not be reached if she called me. So I kept my phone charged answering any text or call, in my heart just wishing I could be there with her, but you see she knew my heart and knows I was there as much as I could be.

I had planned to come in to see her that weekend regardless .... But God had different plans and I am learning daily - that's how it all works, God's will no matter what the circumstances.

At somewhere around 3:40am the text came - I knew it was coming, but it didn't help the pain ... My sister Nicole lost her son and Baby Wade took his last breath at 3:33am. Around 3:55am we spoke ... it was simply numbing, her pain was filled temporarily with relief because his suffering was great.

She created a video to commemorate Baby Wades 13 months of life. She carefully chose photos she loved and lyrics to songs she loved along with live footage - this is a huge deal for someone that isn't online savvy ( it's beautiful) and  I share this with you along with post she shared a month ago.  I see this post differently ... I held this paper in my hands and sat on her steps to read it. It is so profound .... I miss you baby Wade .... I sat next to your Amazing Momma at your service and gripped her arm .... You see my dear friend tries to hold it in, but I know her heart and the love she held for you was beyond immeasurable, so tonight I will sit up and look outside for a falling star - the same one I saw when I went outside to my condo baloney in Jacksonville and saw while I prayed moments after I knew you were gone... This happened almost every time I talked to your Momma late night during my Florida stay.

Arguably, this blog or website is about my view ... Nickys Momma .. so sometimes maybe I share too much --- but this letter no parent should have to get .... but I was grateful for it - it can show what we should all aspire to achieve with compassion.

From Baby Wade's Momma

I have been thinking about the night he left us a lot lately, one of the many perks of a grieving parent, you never know what thoughts will return to rule your mind at any given time. And of all the horrible images and sounds that last 15 hours left me with, there is one incredible act of kindness that still brings me comfort. Anytime I think of it it makes me cry with a mixture of happiness and sadness. Sad that it was when I told my son goodbye but happy to know that people like the ones I will tell you about are out there, they walk the same earth and breath the same air, and it restores my faith in humans. I feel sure it is the single most kindest act I will ever witness in my lifetime, and from people who didn't know us at all. I had asked our hospice nurse Brandy what would happen when the time came, who would come to take my son's body. An image of a coroner and a stretcher wheeling through my house was just unacceptable. She called the funeral home and it had already been planned, a couple who lived not to far down the road would come and get him, the husband would drive while his wife held Wade on the way to the funeral home, they had even bought a special blanket for him. This made me happy. So when the time did come, at 3:33am on October 2, 2010, Brandy made the call, they would be there in a half hour or so. As I held my son for the last time, rocking him, kissing him, trying to keep him warm, they arrived, They were an older couple, and at 4 something in the morning they were dressed in their Sunday best. The husband came inside as his wife stayed in the car. As I walked out of the room he told me his wife was waiting for me in the car, so I walked outside and saw her sitting there with the door open. I kissed Wade for the last time and handed my baby to her, she didn't say a word, she didn't have to, she had the kindest face and eyes, they spoke for her. She kept him all wrapped up in his blanket and held him tight and I shut the door and watched them drive away. I could see her love for him even though they were complete strangers, I was in awe at their kindness, I felt God had given me this last big gift after the total hell we had just experienced. Early the next morning the husband came and dropped off a card and a gift. His wife had written the card after she returned home, as the time she wrote on it was 5:30 am. Her handwriting and stationary are equally beautiful. Baby blue paper with three little angels at the top. I want to share the letter, even though it is such a private treasure and I would never reveal their names, it was just so life changing for me, you never know how it may impact others as well. Here is her letter.

Dearest Nicole and Wade, When we received the call this morning, I knew I had to go with him to hold your precious "Little Boy Blue". As you placed your son in my arms, I knew how your heart was breaking. Before you came out of your home, I glanced into the Heavens and saw the moon - a crescent moon, and it reminded me of a cradle - God's cradle, and He is now cradling your precious little boy in His Loving Arms - free from all pain. And I rejoiced in knowing that he was now a healthy, happy little boy. No more tears nor pain. I wanted to say something to you - give you a hug, but my heart, too, was to full to speak. So on the way to the funeral home, I held your son close to my heart and told him what a sweet little boy he was and that he had put up such a courageous fight. Oh, he was soo precious in his little tiger shirt and dungarees. I lovingly caressed his tiny hands and squeezed his little feet and kissed his forehead - once for his mom, once for his dad, and once for his sister Lauren, and then I cried - thinking of the little boy he could have become one day. But God had other plans for "our Little Boy Blue" far greater than we can ever imagine. But someday you'll know the answer. Just know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers and forever in our hearts 'cause...We Love you

So I will update next week for the month, because this month there was only one thing that mattered ... well two really. NickyBears 2nd Birthday and raising awarness for Pediatric Cancer Month, September.

So we celebrated his real birthday September 22nd with just the 4 of us, hording our special day away with just ourselves - we wanted it this way because we wanted everyone to focus on the WALK on Saturday.

We got him a few things he loved to rip apart the packages with his big brother showing him how. We bought the new guitar Mickey Mouse - not such a fan of that one shockingly. While a race track kept his attention and a Thomas the Train set because he LOVED the one at E-clinic so much last trip to St. Jude. Oddly the train set when you walk into St. Jude is bitter sweet - Nicky was a baby in a stroller, a very sick baby that could never play at 8 months old. Lines and tubes running from his little body kept him in a strapped in seat our entire 4 1/2 months at St Jude. So last visit when he couldn't wait to rip toys out of the other kids hands ( no sharing manners lol ) we were in shock ... we watched numerous children play with that train set but never imagined that he would one day .... and yes that day came and was a blessing and a stressful sigh while awaiting his clear results. THANK YOU GOD!

So the following day Daddy, like always trumped Mommies efforts of gifts and ran out to get him the REAL DEAL table set .... so spoiled but boy he deserves it! So we played for hours with his new and improved version of a train set. Can you see that face? Thank you Lord - such a Happy Child!

Since we had so many photos from the CURE SEARCH WALK 2011 we wanted to share them all with you .... we had such AMAZING People with us that created such love for this WALK, some we didn't even know ... while I kept an eye out hoping for a few close to us that didn't show .... it didn't matter we were grateful for the ones that were there! They were all blessings to us! I was reminded by my Beaumont at Home Nurse of the story of the "STARFISH", I want to remind you that for everyone that donated, walked, virtual walked, reposted, rallied family and friends to donate and even made lemonade stands .... NICKY is your STARFISH ..... GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

The Starfish Story
Original Story by: Loren Eisley

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed
a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, What are you doing?

The youth replied, Throwing starfish back into the ocean.
The surf is up and the tide is going out.  If I don't throw them back, they'll die.

Son, the man said, don't you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish?
You can't make a difference!

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish,
and threw it back into the surf.  Then, smiling at the man, he said
I made a difference for that one.

If you can not see the video above please click the blue link below.

NickyBears 2nd Birthday - CURE SEARCH WALK 2011 

We will never be able to thank everyone that helped us make our goal for CURE SEARCH WALK for Nickys 2nd birthday - Detroit walk raised $125,879 and the numbers keep rising with donations STILL coming in! .... Our team came in 7th for overall funds $6,265.00 and NICKYS DONATIONS alone came in 5th for individual donations at $3,200.00 what can I say but such massive gratitude to all who WALKED, SHOWED UP, VIRTUAL WALKED, DONATED and PRAYED!!!! ? I will post more tomorrow - but I wanted to share this video of our WALK with you. GOD BLESS YOU ALL ...

Dear Lord,

GRATEFUL .... simply so very grateful for giving us a birthday to celebrate - for keeping Nicky HEALED ..... praying for many, many birthdays and a health boy to read this one day and see the GRACE of Our Lord, Our Healer .... Our Father. Humbled by the people you have embraced around us when we asked ..... Thank you Jesus!


Today I woke up, remembering where I was 10 years ago ..... remembering that my 10 year old was just 5 months old .....watching is dismay glued to a television and watching the 2nd tower hit .... crying and walking Christian and looking to the sky empty ... no sound in the air ... no streams of smoke from endless airline flights .... the world changed .... I ran across a teen girl fighting cancer and her blog and I needed to share with you what she wrote today encompasses my personal thoughts and she is fighting cancer herself, what a beautiful brave child to write such a profound entry ....

(This photo to the right is the writer in 2008)

On any day our lives can change.

At any moment, our lives can change.

On this day of remembrance, ten years after 9/11, I feel sorrow.  As television stations show news clips of the destruction of the World Trade Center again and again, all I can think of are the lives. I think of the lives lost and the lives that have been drastically changed by the catastrophe.

In the senseless violence of these acts of terror, I find myself asking, “What can I learn from this?” The answers spin around in my head, making me dizzy. There is so much to learn from this. What I am learning from this is not complex, but plain, simple truths…

—We are mortal.

—Our time here is short.

—Since our time here is short, we have no time for hatred.

—Our purpose here is not to gather and “get”, but to seek out and give.

—What The Media World tells us is important means zippo in the Great Scope of Life.

—We need to love deeply, fully, holding nothing back at all.

(This photo to the right is the writer a year after diagnoses 2009) My heart is with the suffering—those who are grieving a loss– those who are fighting for their lives– those who are helping loved ones fight for their lives. With everything in me, I want to be a building block for change that will relieve suffering.  I want to notice when people suffer and not turn away.  I want to be grateful for all of the people who give me love. I want to be especially grateful for those who are close to me; the people who will always and forever love me unconditionally.

I feel that sharing in the suffering makes us more Heart Aware.  There is a love I have inside me that comes straight from the pain of caring. I would not trade this love for anything.

Please don’t be afraid of the pain of caring; it is great nourishment and terrific exercise for our hearts.

… never forgetting…

--- Melinda Marchiano

I look at this precious girls life and it puts life into persceptive even more than I already thought it did seeing who she was and now even more - how beautiful she is today - now more than ever ....


We are only $230 away from our goal if you can any donation will help!

I walk for the ones that will NEVER be able to take these steps for themselves - have you done anything to help find a CURE for childhood cancer? If not I highly recommend being a Virtual Walker - Cure Search this Saturday - I desperately want cures  .... How can you turn this offer down? :)

If you can't make it to the walk - please consider being a VIRTUAL WALKER, its only 10 bucks to FIND CURES .... here is the direct link --- GOD BLESS ! ?

Or if you just want to donate in honor of our boy! Heres the link --- if you can't give anything - prayers are the best gift of all! God Bless!

If anything, right click this photo, save it and use it as your default for the rest of September!!!

Below is our boy a year ago before he started radiation, beautiful and bald.....but no child should have to endure this .... find a way to help find cures.....

Breathing with the good news yesterday and the MRI being NED (NO Evidence of Disease) which some call stable or clear. His Doc emailed me while waiting to get on the plane that his CSF (Cranial Spinal Fluid) was clear. She let us off the hook from anymore infusions ... so relieved!!!! Thanking God today and everyday .... I wanted to share this pic with you after NickyBears MRI and we reviewed the scans he decided to grab Dr. Wrights hand and just drag her around, everyone that knows him knows that you can't say HI without him screaming because of stranger anxiety so this moment was priceless and I am so glad my camera was there! This moment was too cute not to share!

So this was our quickest trip to date at Jude arriving at 8:30am and going straight to the Grizzle House. Upon finishing our first day I saw a man entering the elevator and he had big rubbermaid tubs and so I said to him,"Looks like your moving in..." His reply was, "yeah for the next 4 months..." immediately I knew this child was more than likely on my protocol. So I ask, "under 3? " and he said, "yes 1" ..... His daughter was diagnosed with the same type of cancer as Baby Nicholas and the next day was their first day there. I always seem to find a *new family* and it always gives me great comfort to give comfort to those that are just entering this journey. Lord knows I wish and pray no one had to enter this world of pain ... but if I can just help ease someone's stress a little .... share our journey - than all the typing I do here on this blog is so extremely worth the effort.

I ask you to pray for a few new friends, her name is Willa Rose and we also met Lanie Watkins and Kade Watson ..... all need extra prayers right now.

grbearBaby Nicholas' health is that of a healthy 23 month old little boy and has his temper because we spoil him so much ... but he is a picture of health and to us that is a blessing. Every time we enter Jude we are quickly reminded of how much worse our lives COULD have been and we pray be NEVER have to go down that path EVER again. But going there humbles you all over again, it makes you greatful for so many things even in three months you start to take for granted again. Hearing a child's raspy voice ... I remember not hearing my son for months and praying to God to please heal his vocal cords. Or seeing the endless bald babies and children .... its tough that WAS us!

We were able to go and hang out with Arianna's family and I got to really spend some time with Leticia, Arianna's Mommy ..... I ask you all to pray so hard for Arianna she scans Monday and Lord ..... this little girl needs you NOW please please touch her whole body with your healing hands! Another request for David P. and Aaron B. .... I can't keep up with so many Kids! We also got to met sweet precious Ivee and he Momma Hope ... so glad I got to hug them! Please also pray for Bray and Ivee....

We didn't get to do everything we wanted to do this summer, but over all we had a great summer and we look forward to fall. We did get one trip in to Bay Harbor and we are going to try to sneak that in next weekend before Christian starts 5th grade  .... (wow time flies) He was able to go to an indoor waterpark with his best buddies while we were at Jude.


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