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Clinic appointments and labs were all where they needed to be, I was a little shocked that his ANC dropped to 1800 already but I guess the further we get into chemo the harder it is on his little body to recover. I see that finish for chemo and boy do we want to get there. Tomorrow is the repeat hearing test the ABR, little worried since the last one wasn't good. Hoping it was due to fluids in his ears.

We are being discharged!!! His levels we .11 so I need to give him leucovorin pushes by IV 3 times to help his kidneys flush the remaining amount of Methotrexate from his body. So glad to be leaving the hospital. Though we will be right back here tomorrow to do labs and have our normal clinic appointments.

Baby Nicholas is clearing Methotrexate a little slower, so they increased his fluid intake. For us that means a diaper an hour easily, and ph levels from each diaper need to still be checked. His levels should have been around 80 and he was at 93, so it wasn't overly high to be concerned with it. It's getting harder and harder for us to be inpatient with him, he hates being confide to this little room with so little to do. They unhooked hooked him from chemo at 5:30pm - only one more round of this drug my Boy you are doing so well my love ...

Dear Lord,

Please let Baby Nicholas clear this drug fast so we can get out of her soon. Thank you for keeping you perfect hands on our boy!

He's now clearing Methotrexate (chemo) just fine and we no longer need to do diaper pH levels. As long as he stays on track in the next 24hrs we can leave tomorrow. Christian is loving the parent room here he's got it set up like a college dorm room lol. Tv, mini Frig and he can roam the play rooms up here and computer room. Funny how he has completely adjusted to what a crazy life style ... He's just a beautiful child and so understanding that he lost his whole summer to get his brother better. We love you soooo much Christian ... thank you for being so good for us. You are a great big brother!

Waiting for a room - here we come round 3. We are starting late 5:30pm so we will be on this drug for 24 hours - but hopefully he will clear this well and we can get out in by Sunday.


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