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We started our day today with a follow up meeting with Dr. Merchant over the whole switch in chemo drugs last week. I still wanted to meet with him to ask his opinion and he seems to think the change from Cisplatin to Carboplatin was the right move for us. I expressed my concerns about doing 1 more round of chemo and whether it mattered or not. Developmentally, it's best to prolong the radiation - however with aggressive cancer - time isn't afforded. So we are sticking to the plan. We have our normal e clinic appointment and nutritional evaluation.

Oh thank the Lord for answered prayers - this one came in the form of a nurse named Adam that has first hand experience with Mickey Buttons. So while cleaning it today it popped right out - I was in shock holding him and I pushed it back in and looked at the nurse, like "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT" he jumped up and said we need to switch it now. In less than 2 minutes of prep to complete - he popped out the old one not working and placed the new one and secured it. He did it with ease. You have no idea how relieved I am right now - no OR surgery Monday now!!!

Adam, your a blessing from God - thank you so much for taking such great care of our boy! and best of all we get out of being inpatient. Nicholas slept through both nights of chemo and we are out today!!!

Since we switched chemo drugs yesterday, we now need to do a test for Nicholas' liver and kidneys to see how he will clear this drug. It is called a NM Plasma Clearance Injection and done in Nuclear Medicine. Once administered they will draw labs 1 hr after injected and then at 2 hr and then again at 4 hrs. So in between these labs at 11am we went to wound care to have his G-tube switched out to a Mickey Button. Well, little did I know this would create a nightmare of a day for us! As soon as she pulled the g-tube, he cried and tighten his abs. She tried once to place the Mickey Button and then looked at me and said it closed. I was in shock, I said what do you mean it closed? I was never told that could happen! I lost it and tears just started rolling down my face. I was a mess. The nurse came back in and felt so bad and brought kleenex for me. She said we will fix this today I am so sorry. I tried to explain to her it was just a rough couple of days, he had a bad hearing test yesterday, we switched drugs and now this. I just cried. She said we will fix this. He hadn't ate for 2 hours prior to that so now he needed to fast 6 more hours to be sedated to have it the Mickey Button placed.

So, during walking around for 4 hours I ran into Karen who works in the Diagnostic Imaging area where they place lines, ports, g-tubes etc. I stopped her in the hall and said we are seeing you at 4pm for placement, I am afraid this his stoma (the hole in his stomach) is going to close completely if we wait 4 more hours. She agreed and they placed a temporary catheter to keep this stomach from closing completely. At 4:00pm he was sedated and they dilated his stomach and we able to place the Mickey Button. Wheeewww breathing once again. What a mess and now we go in for chemo!

Well he did just fine on the Carboplatin (chemo) it was a 1 hr drip and Vincristine IV push. However, the Mickey Button is not fitting right, I asked the nurse (THANK GOD FOR ADAM) to test it, when he did it didn't work the balloon that holds it in place in the stomach was pulling back air! That's suppose to be saline - so there's another problem. Dr. Baker notified OR and we need to wait till Monday to have this issue fixed. I'm sad .... so we taped it into place because it is moving and it shouldn't be. So tonight he does Cyclophosphamide (chemo) its a 1hr drip.

Dear Lord,

Get us through the weekend - what a mess this Mickey Button has been .... thank you for getting him through chemo without getting sick.

Baby Nicholas had his repeat ABR and well - I am just sick and heartbroken over the results. We were told that he had high end hearing loss, we expected that but we were also told that he had a grade 2 hearing loss in the normal range. It's explained like this, if you say the word Dogs ... he hears it but the "S" is quieter than how we hear it. At this point it isn't bad enough to need hearing aids. What that means is that the Cisplatin (chemo) has already effected his hearing greatly. We are due for two more round of this drug and to me this hearing loss is unacceptable! I am having a hard time with it because for Baby Nicholas hearing was not a deficit after surgery and chemo is only being done to in Dr. Merchant's own words, "Buy time" because of his age and needing his brain to develop to 12 months of age.

Upon learning these results, I immediately have contacted all our team here at St. Jude, Dr. Gajjar, Dr. Wright and Dr. Merchant and addressed my concerns and told them we need to re-evaluate our plan now because Nicholas is due to start more chemo on the 13th.with them on the 12th and when we met, Dr. Gajjar could tell I was extremely upset and explained the pathology to me once again. He wants us to finish out the regiment but after speaking with audiology he agreed we needed to adjust his drugs and we are now switching from Cisplatin to Carboplatin, which is said to be fairly equal but the risk of hearing loss would not be a factor. He also said that Carboplatin is harder on the bone marrow - so recovery will be harder for Nicholas.

I of course was extremely worried about switching these drugs, I feel like I am going off their best path and doing my own path - but this happened for a reason - the hearing loss isn't terrible at this point and it can improve. God gave me the ability to understand medicine and understand what we are dealing with and He gave me the mind to research, He gave me Nicholas because He knew I would do everything I could for him and I always will. He knows my heart, my dedication to my child and the love I have for my family. So I will trust this choice to change courses for our Boy and pray God keeps him stable.

Dear Lord,

You allow changes for a reason ... I won't question that - I just pray that these changes are from you ... I am so thankful you brought me to St. hude - without them the regiment they planned to put us on back home was even stronger and longer with Cisplatin - our son would have been deaf. You have your reasons and though I am so sad over him having any hearing loss - I know you can change that and that I will trust in you today.


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