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Day 3 his ANC is 0. He has had a fever bouncing between 100.8 - 99.8 I pray the blood cultures show nothing - that means it's nothing serious. He's been getting nose bleeds which is a sign he needs platelets. his platelet count is 33 also --- the doctor won't transfuse him unless he's 20 which is insane because he's a baby! I'm not happy!

Day 2 his ANC is 0. He has had a cough too that doesn't sound like his normal cough. It's concerning me and so I called med room and told them. 2 hours later he spiked a fever 101.0 so that is our automatic admission for at least 2 days inpatient at the hospital. They drew lab cultures and have to wait 2 days to see if anything grows off it. If it is a nasty bacterial infection of any kind it would grow in the cultures within 24 hours. So its always good when you hear nothing from the cultures. They automatically give antibiotics to start combating anything that might be going on.

So he had labs today at his ANC is 7100, however his hgb (red blood) is 7.6 so he needs blood today. His platelets are also 54 which dropped and he is needing them also. So long visit in med room today to get our blood products. He also got a fever that brought us back there so they gave us an antibiotic by IV in clinic to combat it and they said not to worry since his ANC was so high.

Dear God,

Please bless our blood donor and our platelet donor today. We are so grateful that people take the time to give. Please make sure Baby Nicholas has no reaction to the transfusions. Watch over him Lord, like you always do.

Day 1 of his ANC being 0 and I am in shock since his ANC was 7100 on Wednesdays labs. We have an hour infusion by IV to combat pneumonia and then he has his day 15 Vincristine (chemo) IV push. He's never dropped this quickly so I am in shock and he's had a little deeper cough today that is making me nervous. Hope its nothing but I hate him being at 0 already.

Dear Lord,

I pray for a quick ANC recovery ... let his little body fight whatever else he has going on also. Just watch over our little guy he needs extra attention from you.

We had labs today and Baby Nicholas' ANC is 17,000 - his hgb (red blood cells) is 9.0 so that's fine. His platelets are at 71 and they are dropping so fast right now. He will need a transfusion soon. I can't wait for this round to be over! Seems like all the kids of the protocol take a hit in round 3.

Dear Lord,

Keep Baby Nicholas strong - he's doing so well - please continue to keep your hands on him!


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