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So he did just fine on last night on chemo and tonight he does his final inpatient chemo drug Cyclophosomide (IV 1 hr) then we are done being inpatient, unless he gets a fever but we are sterilizing and praying so hard that does not happen this round. As you might notice he is finally losing his eye lashes - so glad this is the last round so everything will be growing back now!

Please pray his counts go up quickly this round and mostly that his MRI is stable, it is currently scheduled for Thursday, September 23. God's got his hands on Baby Nicholas.

So we started our day with Nicholas' ABR testing and he was a little fussy since he needed to fast for 8 hours prior to the test. The results came back and were stable. His hearing in his right ear has actually improved and the audiologist said anything can happen because a baby's hearing is not done developing until they are 18 months of age. So we will keep praying for more improvement for his left ear and and for the next test to show more improvement.

We had labs today since we are going in for chemo tonight and his ANC dropped to 400! I wasn't expecting that since they went up on Tuesday but I guess that means the drug from last week is still working through him. So we do Carboplatin (1 hour IV ) tonight and Vincristine IV Push.

Please keep The Ballew family (Baby Wades family) in your prayers.

We also want to thank God for Ryan's MRI being stable today!

Spent the day today with Christian, we went to the craft store to buy jars for each other and fill them up with messages to each other that we can read over the phone nightly. (Thank's Mom and Aunt Nan for the idea) We call them our JOY JARS. I hate that he is leaving tomorrow with Nick to go home and start school on Wednesday but I believe it is the best thing for Christian to provide some normalcy and allow him to be with his friends at school. We went back and forth on this decision, but we decided that his academic curriculum would be different if he moved him around and he needs that stability right now. So I will be missing him like crazy and Nick will be back here on Wednesday to finish up round 4's last few drugs of chemo later this week. So Nick will be doing a lot of flying in the next few months of weekends and I will see Christian every other weekend hopefully. We also hit the Toys R' Us Express at the mall and got lunch together. My Christian is such a sweet child, he knows I have been really sad and he told me, Mom I'm really gonna miss you. I'm going to miss him too, even he has made some serious sacrifices for his little brother.

When I got back, I saw a post on facebook that one of the first families I was following had relapsed after 2 years and 8 months of being tumor free. I ask that you not only pray for Baby Wade's family, but also for Alyssa(AKA Lyssie ) Righter as she goes in for surgery next week and for Rachel as she gets ready for radiation.

I ask you to to pray for Baby Nicholas' ANC count to be high enough to start chemo on Thursday this week so we can be done with this inpatient chemo process!

Everyday amazes me, you never know what the day holds or what God has in store for you. We went in for labs today and as I stated I was worried this weeks chemo would be delayed due to Nicholas' ANC possibly being low from Methotrexate (chemo) last week. Well shockingly and thank you Lord his ANC is 1400 today. We started at 800 and he has dropped from this drug every time except this round ... (I say hmmmm to the man upstairs one this one and bravo!) So chemo will not be delayed this week. Tomorrow we have our reviews for speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy to make sure he's still on track doing everything he should be doing for his age. Last month they canceled all his appointments because he was on target and didn't need any appointments. Thursday we have another ABR test, (hearing test) before we do the last round of drugs that can affect hearing. Typically on this protocol they do not do another ABR in between round 3 and 4 but because Nicholas' hearing has been affected already they are monitoring him a little closer.

Dear Baby Nicholas,

You are almost done with chemo here at St. Jude! You have been so strong and yet you have endured more than most adults can handle baby. Yet you do it and still smile, I love you my boy. Stay strong so we can get through this last tail end of chemo - God's gently pushing you along and healing you.

What a week, I found myself roaming the empty halls of St. Jude miserable. I couldn't sleep - I am hurting so much for my friend right now that I can't think straight. I can't handle another night here right now - yesterday was the brutal reality that at any moment everything can change in just moments and it can be any child here. I prayed my heart out crying most of the morning. Then a bit of sunshine came in when my nurse told me that Nicholas' Methotrexate levels were at .43 which its typically .9 or .8 but never that low and my Doctor told me that the longer than use this drug the harder it becomes to clear because the body gets use to it. So my doctor was attending upstairs and she knew I was having a rough time being there and so she told me they were discharging us as long as I was ok with giving Nicholas IV pushes of Lecovorin which is used to prevent the damaging side effects of Methotrexate. I think my doctor knew I needed a mental break and didn't schedule me to come in until Tuesday. So our last time doing this drug and our last room number for it B2077.

Dear Lord,

I'm having such a hard time and my heart is so heavy Father .... I beg you to surround my friend Nicole and her family right now. I thank you for getting me away from the hospital right now as it is a constant reminder of what just happened here. I ask you daily to just protect us during this process, it has been an extremely tough week Lord. I lay all my burdens at your feet. Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares on him, for He cares for you. Lord, I'm casting them all to you ....


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