Dexter Lawrence Authentic Jersey  June 23, 2010

Today is Day 9 of the chemo cycle and he finishes the tough drugs today. They told us that some kids get sick during day 8 and 9 but mostly it is a delayed reaction to the drugs administered. He has been in a good mood and hasn’t gotten sick. The speech therapist is certain his mouth is strong enough to eat, it’s whether his throat is ready or not to swallow properly. The easiest way to explain it is, try holding your tongue and swallow – it’s impossible because when we swallow, our tongues with force push back and cover our airway while the food and water hit the back of our throat bypassing our airway. This is why he may be swallowing great right now but not always swallowing properly. Our problem is that if he swallows wrong, he aspirates which means fluid will enter his lungs. He coughs to clear it like anyone would but these cough attacks last longer than just clearing your throat and it hurts him to cough. So today just pray for God’s healing on his throat and his vocal cords so that they may heal perfectly. Praise God that he has not been sick at the hospital and thank you Lord for giving us today --- I loved holding him for hours today. He was in a cuddly mood.


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